Graphic Design Tips for Beginners

Everyone nowadays wants to do everything themselves. Do-it-yourself (DIY) has been the trend for quite some time. Consumers are realizing they no longer have to buy something off the shelf or hire someone to do the job. With Google and Pinterest, there’s not much you can’t do yourself with the right tools and materials. More […]

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Green Construction Efforts & Programs

We’ve all witnessed the increased importance and stress on protecting our environment. It is very unlikely that when someone hears the phrase “going green” they do not understand its meaning. Saving the environment is a top priority and focus for many different industries. Every day we hear or read about “green” transportation, the need to […]

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8 Brochure Folding Styles

In the world of print and design, the word “brochure” can be a vague term. Brochures are mainly used to communicate product or service information, and are also commonly used to communicate event details. While the purpose of a brochure is the typically the same across the board, the style of the brochure however is […]

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What are the ‘Standard’ Print Sizes?

When it comes to your print project, it can be easy to say “whatever the standard size is will work fine for this piece.” Is that really the best way to go about designing a file? While there are certain sizes that are frequently used and more common than others, there is not necessarily a […]

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Is Your Company Using Construction Estimating Software?

Accurately estimating project costs is critical to the success of any organization contemplating future construction projects. Cost estimators have a lot riding on their shoulders. Owners and managers are reliant on these cost projections when determining whether to bid on the project, establish the scope of the project, or proceed with the project at hand. […]

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eDiscovery Simplified: Commonly Used Terms

We can guarantee you’re not alone if you have ever found yourself lost or confused when dealing with your case’s electronic discovery. Veterans to the e-discovery world and eDiscovery vendors, like Avalon, know this stuff like the back of their hand. They know how to talk to talk and walk the walk when it comes […]

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Commonly Used Printing Terms

Have you ever had a conversation with your print vendor and been left completely confused by the end? You are probably not alone. Us here in the printing industry tend to talk in printer lingo. Since we live, eat, and breathe printing, it comes as second nature to us and rolls off the tongue. To […]

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Holiday Prints, Parties, & Promos!

Year after year, the holidays seem to sneak up on us quicker and quicker. For many its time to start planning a corporate holiday party, others are brainstorming new ideas for this year’s crafts and gifts. Most will search Google, Etsy, or Pinterest for new ideas and party planning tips, but very few will turn to […]

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Tips for Construction Bidding

Estimating a construction project is one of the most important tasks of any general contractor or sub-contractor. Misreading a blueprint, or forgetting or adding a zero, can cost you boat loads of money or cause you to lose the bid. While we know being the lowest bidder will award your company the project, it is […]

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