Writing a Business Proposal Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

If the majority of your business is generated from making proposals, you know how important they are. So, if you want more business, it’s plain and simple. Start writing better business proposals.  After reading these ten tips, it won’t be as hard as you think.

  1. Put yourself in their shoes. What’s important to your potential client? How will this benefit them?  What are their needs and wants? Switching from your perspective to theirs will allow you to provide information on things that they would most likely ask about. Not only that, but now you have the chance to counter potential rebuttals before the client has a chance to rebut.
  2. Don’t be selfish. Yes, you have to talk about yourself and your company, but do so in moderation and do not forget about the client. Take your time to discuss their business and of course the project at hand.
  3. Establish your credibility. Provide concrete examples on what makes you and your company qualified. If you have worked with other clients that operate in the same field as your potential client, mention that. If your company has won awards for similar projects, or in that particular field, don’t keep them to yourself. Testimonials are always a plus too.
  4. Present your solutions early. Identify the client’s needs and problems, and follow by explaining how your solutions are superior to competitors’. Do so in a manner that does not come across as arrogant, but confident and in ways that matter to your client.  Make sure the solutions you promise, are indeed solutions you can deliver.
  5. © Fend Yu / Fotolia
    © Fend Yu / Fotolia

    Benefits, Benefits, Benefits. Outline the benefits the potential client will receive by doing business with you. If you look at any winning proposal, the benefits to the client are clearly identified.

  6. Provide Evidence. Even a small sample of your work and your company’s work can showcase ability to do the job, and do it well. Be sure to supply the client with samples that closely match the project at hand. Do not overdo it by providing your entire portfolio, unless it is requested of course.
  7. Speak the language. Use appropriate terminology for your intended audience. Avoid excessive verbiage, jargon, and run-on sentences. Make your point; make it clear and concise, and then move on to the next.
  8. Lose your copy and paste functions. Avoid boiler plate text. A sure way to have your proposal thrown out is if the client thinks you reused a previous proposal, changing only the pertinent information. Surely you can reuse past persuasive arguments, but keep the recycling to a minimum. Your proposal should be created specifically with that client in mind.
  9. Shine through! Great proposals are not written by robots. Let your personality shine through the text. Show your enthusiasm for your business, their business, and the project. Of course you have to maintain a level of professionalism and follow business conventions, but be sure to avoid the dry, lackluster writing style many have adapted these days.
  10. If possible, include a specific quote.  We all know the big question – what will this cost? The majority of business owners do not like to be left in the dark when it comes to their money. You can spend hours and hours writing the best proposal in the history of time, but if you never disclose an estimate, the client may think you’re just luring them in only to empty their pockets down the road.

Now that you know how to write a successful proposal you better get started.  When you’re ready to have your proposal printed, don’t forget that Avalon has all the capabilities to make it look great on paper!

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