Scanning services for greater business efficiency.

The ability to quickly access specific documents can be crucial. Yet despite all the advances in digital technology, many corporate offices are producing more paper than ever before. This not only wastes environmental resources – and your financial resources – it also wastes your precious time. But Avalon’s document scanning solutions help you virtually eliminate paper from the equation.
By transforming thousands of your important documents into an easily searchable database. You will then be able to organize, search, annotate, and distribute your documents electronically within seconds, so you can work more efficiently and effectively.
Our specialty document scanning services include:
- Digitizing Legacy Plans
- Business Record Scanning
- HR Record Scanning
- EOB Scanning
- Medical Record Scanning
- Closed File Management
Digitizing Legacy Plans
Each year, our team works with numerous clients in the design-build industry to digitize their old plans. Avalon offers scanning solutions that free up space and provide easy access to all your drawings and documents. From municipalities to school districts to large manufacturing facilities, we help our clients overcome the challenges of trying to work with plans that were created several years ago. So, if you have hundreds – or even thousands – of plans for old projects that you would like digitized, fill out the form on this page and contact us today.
Business Record Scanning
Since 2004, Avalon has provided high-speed document scanning services – including high-quality, quick-turnaround scans of HR records, lease documents, project files, and other critical paper records – to businesses of all sizes. Our team has experience working around the challenges of accessibility, storage, and disaster recovery of critical records, and understands that every scenario is different, which is why we work closely with our clients to design customizable solutions that fit their exact needs. Several cost-saving options for low-priority file conversions are also available.
HR Record Scanning
Our clients rely on us to provide high-volume, error-free scanning of their human resource (HR) records. For some industries, such as healthcare, there is often a need to maintain records for an extended period of time, and to ensure easy access of these records. Avalon has developed programs for several healthcare providers that involve picking up, digitizing, and returning the electronic term files monthly, quarterly, or annually.
EOB Scanning
Medical billing departments are constantly faced with the challenge of properly documenting and submitting claims to insurance companies. Managing the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms that are sent with payments from insurance carriers also presents a unique challenge. That’s why we partner with medical billing departments, so we can help them streamline their processes and arm them with the ability to search electronic documents by the staff who handled the EOB, the date, the batch number, and the EOB document itself. At Avalon, we understand that medical billing is a unique and labor-intensive process, so we offer fast, secure solutions to help our clients operate more efficiently.
Medical Record Scanning
Even with the emergence of electronic medical record (EMR) systems, paper records remain. At Avalon, we understand the various challenges of managing these records: they get misplaced, storage space becomes limited, departing doctors request copies of their patient records, and there is no disaster recovery solution in place if something happens to these paper records. For more than fifteen years, Avalon Doc’s high-speed scanning and document management solutions have helped eliminate these issues for clients around the U.S. by providing secure, HIPAA-compliant digitalization of their medical records.
Closed File Management
There are few businesses that produce more paper than law firms and corporate legal departments. Unfortunately, storing records at your office can increase the firm’s monthly expenses, as more office space is needed. In addition, records can be misplaced, causing major inefficiencies. On the other hand, off-site storage saves space in your office, but it costs money every month – and just about every time you ask the vendor to pull a file for you. Avalon has scanned literally millions of pages of closed files to help law firms better manage the closed file process, and we can help implement a simplified document scanning process that gives you more control over the costs of and access to your firm’s documents. We can also assist you with breaking up with your current document storage vendor, if you are considering this option.