Direct Mail Campaigns Too Out Dated? Not a Chance!

If I were the gambling type, I would bet that the majority of consumers believe direct mail campaigns are irrelevant in today’s age, and to boot a waste of a marketer’s time and money. Is that really the truth though? The thought that direct mail is or should be a thing of the past is […]

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Can Your Firm Manage its Own ESI?

Written by: Jason Schroeder, Vice President of Legal Technology The reach of electronic discovery expands exponentially year after year.  This should come as no surprise, considering the staggering amount of electronic information being generated daily by organizations and individuals.  Given the prevalence and magnitude of electronically stored information (ESI) in today’s litigation, law firms are […]

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Outsourcing Your Bid Document Distribution – Smart? We Think So!

  In the design world of construction, one of the more stressful and hectic times is when  a project goes out to bid. On top of working on other projects, and that current project,  companies now have to worry about distributing their bid documents to interested contractors.  For fun, let’s take a look at the […]

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What’s Your Sign?

During the course of your day, whether you are walking down the sidewalk, driving down the road, shopping at the mall, or dining out at a restaurant, you are guaranteed to see a wide variety of signage. Ever stop and wonder how that piece of signage was made or what it is printed on? If […]

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