5 Tips for Creating Business Holiday Cards


Season's greetings on chalkboard backgroundDuring the holidays, many of us are reminded to step back and take a moment to think about all of the blessings in our lives, and give to thanks for them. In business, small tokens of appreciation, such as sending holiday cards, is a great way to thank your customers/clients while also creating an opportunity to make a more personal connection. Thus building more valuable, stronger relationships. The kind that last for years to come.

The Power of the Holiday Card

Maybe it’s old fashioned, but I prefer sending out physical cards, rather than e-cards/newsletters. Why? It’s more personal and it just feels more genuine. We are bombarded with e-mail and newsletters every day of the year. It’s almost impossible to make a sincere holiday email stand out from the rest. A real card, in the mailbox, shows you put in the extra time (and money) to share your honest appreciation. People still value that kind of thing.

So here it is…

5 Tips for sending out your businesses holiday card

    • 1. Get them out early!

I hate to break it to you but it’s already crunch time! Putting a great design and getting things printed takes time! And, the longer you wait, the more it can cost. The closer we get to the end of December, the more backed up the post office gets. Think about it, when was the last time you were overjoyed from receiving that belated Seasons Greetings card?

    • 2. Personalize

If you have a relatively small list of cards to send out, take the time to personalize the greeting and sign each card. If you have a pretty extensive list, you can still add a personal touch by including a digital image of your signature in your design and providing the printer with your list so that you can include a customized greeting.

    • 3. Logo

If your logo is going to be printed on the cards, make sure to submit a high-resolution image and specify colors. NOTE: small logos in the bottom corner are preferable to large logos in the center of the cards. Keep it sincere, and less “advertizy.”

    • 4. Quality

It can reflect poorly on your business if the card stock used for cards is flimsy or if the card is poorly designed. You wouldn’t want your card on the wall with all of other holiday cards to stick out as the obvious cheap one. If you’re taking the time to put a custom holiday card together in the hopes of really impressing your customers, choose a good card stock and invest in a good design.

  • 5. Don’t be holiday specific

Remember it’s likely not all of your customers celebrate the same holiday. Although you can still send business holiday cards, be respectful and use a generic card (i.e. not religious-themed.) Think “Seasons Greetings!” Or “Happy Holidays!” Even “Happy New Year!” is a good and safe way to go!

Remember, Avalon’s team can assist in getting this year’s holiday cards designed, printed, and even sent out. That 100% perfect work on time guarantee will allow you confidently get back to focusing on picking out that perfect sweater for Uncle Eddie!

To a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!

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