4 Reasons Your Firm Should Outsource eDiscovery

Big DataThe reach of electronic discovery seems to broaden nearly every day. It’s no surprise, though, considering the staggering amount of electronic information generated on an hourly basis by individuals and companies. The prevalence and magnitude of electronically stored information (ESI) in today’s litigation forces law firms to evaluate their eDiscovery needs and whether or not they should be handling them in house. The following are four reasons we think you’d be better off outsourcing your eDiscovery needs. It’s not that we don’t think you can handle it—we know you’re smart because you’re checking out our website—but it can often be more efficient.

1) Your daily operations are already breaking the bank.

Many in-house litigation support departments barely break even or sometimes operate at a loss. It’s no small feat to find staff who are able to collect, ingest, index, search, report, analyze, set up for review, and produce various forms of electronic data. In addition to money spent on the hiring process, the department must focus on keeping the staff trained in the latest technology. And the latest technology equals expensive software and hardware. Finally, an in‑house litigation support department has to determine how to bill clients for these overhead services.

2) Candy Crush doesn’t help your bottom line.

Once a litigation support department is established, it might be difficult to forecast whether or not the case load requiring their services will be sufficient enough. It could be a struggle to keep all players busy on a daily basis, and you don’t want to be in a position where you have to cut hours or, even worse, implement layoffs.

3) Everyone makes mistakes.

Whether it’s the fault of the computer or the person operating the computer, a failure during any part of an eDiscovery project is an easy target for your opponent. They can sell this as an intentional, immoral act—and it’s much easier for them to do so if your firm’s internal department made the mistake. Outsourcing electronic discovery instantly puts your firm in the clear in case of a mistake or glitch in the project.

4) Avalon eats ESI for breakfast.

If Avalon had a middle name, it’d be “eDiscovery.” And its last name would be, well, who knows? It’s not even a person. At Avalon, our legal technology specialists are considered experts in the field. They are trained in nearly all things electronic discovery and are fully equipped to collect, process, and review electronic data. And, get this, they even enjoy it.

Download our free whitepaper to learn why simpler is better.

Download the eDiscovery Whitepaper: Making It Simple