Bye Bye Bookie

Imagine the things you could do with that file room at your office if all the books just went away. A game room. A small gym. Another kitchen. Hey, we’re not judging.

Image Courtesy of Pong /
Image Courtesy of Pong /

The way things are trending, many companies could be paperless by 2020. It may be hard to believe, or even accept, but paperless initiatives are being established regularly. Not only is technology dictating this (by way of tablets, smart phones, smart watches, etc.), but future generations will be much more adept in processes that don’t involve paper. Also, it is more cost efficient because it involves merely a person and a scanner. Cutting out paper also cuts out envelopes, stamps, tabs, binders, redwelds, manila folders, letterhead, printers, copiers, toner, storage boxes, and storage space. Paperless businesses save time as well – searching documents electronically is light years faster than reading an entire file for certain key words. And, sure, there might be more “when I was your age…” conversations between more seasoned employees and those just out of college, but overall, a lot less time will be dedicated to filing and searching documents.

Still more efficient is outsourcing the means for becoming paperless. Via its new fleet of super‑fast scanners, Avalon’s Document Imaging Division can virtually eliminate paper from your office, creating an easily searchable database from your hard copy documents.

iStock_000004318802LargeUsing our services allows your business to operate as usual while all your documents are transformed behind the scenes. In addition to a speedy conversion to paperless files, your company will benefit from our quality control process, which includes checking each page for accuracy. You’re also likely to score some serious points with your Sustainability Officer.

With our increased capacity and efficient processes, the price of going paperless is at an all-time low. Contact us for a consultation. We’ll even show you the badass scanners if you want to see them. Or we can come to you and help sketch out plans for your new game room.

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Read our free case study to learn how Avalon’s document imaging services can help you find your office again.

Case Study: EOB Scanning